The Useful Tools I Am Using at Steemit

The useful tools I am using at Steemit, which do all transactions completely on-chain in a wallet I personally and exclusively control
~The Tools I Am Using to Withdraw Steemit Money into PayPal


I'd like to share some useful tools which I AM using to withdraw the money I have earned at, hoping it will give you some friendly helps.
  1., which is (1) where I am transferring the SBD and Steem I have earned at (2) and where I sell my SBD and Steem into Bitcoin
  2. UPDATE: VirWoX is closed, use LocalBitcoin
    VirWox is
    (1) where I transfer my Bitcoin at Bittrex
    (2) and where I sell my Bitcoin into SSL
    (3) and where I sell my SSL into USD
  3. You also can directly sell your bitcoin via LocalBitcoins, which is the largest P2P bitcoin exchange online market, which has around 110,000 active traders with a trade volume of 1400–3000 bitcoins per day (via WikiPedia)
  4. PayPal
    PayPal is where I transfer my USD at VirWox, Your dollars will be credited to your paypal from VirWox immediately in 0.3-1 hours.
  5. Payoneer, which is a international bank card service helps you to get paid by international clients and global marketplaces, swift code is supported.
Please be note that all these platforms of Bittrex, VirWox and PayPal will charge some fees during you are transferring you money.

*Earn free bitcoin
I also recommend you to buy/sell digital currencies (BTC, BCH, ETH and LTC) at coinbase via my referral, because that when your buys or sells $100 of digital currency or more at coinbase, we both will get $10 free bitcoin. And it also supports PayPal.