The Local Popular Internet Tools Most Chinese Are Using in China

Do you want to travel in China as your travel plan in the future?

Before your visiting to China, it is much better for you to know some popular internet tools most Chinese people are using in China, which will be very helpful to you as foreigners in China.

Thanks for stopping by this page to read something about the local internet tools which most Chinese people are using. It seems that you are interested in Chinese culture, history, society or something else about China, firstly, allow me to show you something about China

China is different

To most foreigners of the West who have never received any Chinese cultures, China, this great and mystery country from the East part of the world, just is very very different with their countries.

Yeah, China is very different from most western countries in many many areas. For some examples:

China's land area is very large. China has more than nine point six million square kilometers land, it is the second largest land country of the world, the first is Russia and the third is united states of America. if you are from Europe, that is to say that China is much larger than the total Europe.

China is very populous. China has more than 1.3 billion people, among them, more than 92% are the Han Chinese. That is to say, there will be one Chinese of every 5 people of the world.

China is both traditional and modern. as you may know that China is a country with a long history, there are many many traditional cultures and festivals in China, such as the Spring Festival, the Middle Moon Festival; at the other hand, China is very modern, for example, the high-speed rails are across most of China, with speed more than 300 KM per hour. the top 9 of the 10 highest bridges of the world are built in and by Chinese construction companies, which is just unbelievable, right?

China's internet also is different
China is different from the western countries, so is China's internet. probably you have known that China has built GFW(great fire wall of China) for some reasons, which makes the internet of China is much different from the outside of the wall.

The Chinese people are using different internet tools than the Westerns', or we call them as alternatives in this post, I will show you many Chinese internet tools from email services, online chat tools, free cloud storage services, web browsers, search engines to online pay methods and others. So if you are living in China or you want to travel in China in the future, you will find these alternative tools are very useful because you can not access google, gmail YouTube and other internet tools popular in the West.

The popular local internet tools most chinese are using in China:
What are the popular free email services for Chinese people to use?
We use email to receive and send messages with our friends on the web, so I introduce email firstly. In China, most Chinese do not use Gmail, Outlook mail or Yahoo mail as their primary email account, although these 3 free email services are very popular globally, why? because of the GFW, most Chinese people even have not heard about these names. Instead of Gmail, most Chinese netizens are using QQ mail(or foxmail), 163 mail and Sina mail to send and receive emails. QQ mail maybe the better one among them, honestly, none Chinese email services are better than GOY(gmail, outlook and yahoo mail).

Which free cloud drive services the Chinese people are using?
Chinese more likely call cloud drive as cloud disk, different with the West, Dropbox, Google Drive and OneDrive are not popular in China, most Chinese are using Baidu Cloud, 360 Cloud, Weiyun of Tencent, all of them receive internet administrations of China's government。

Which web browser is the most popular to the Chinese people?
Instead of using Chrome, FireFox, Safari or Opera, Most Chinese people using 360 browser and IE as their default web browsers, at the same time, there are many Chinese people with high education background are using chrome, firefox, safari and opera.

Popular Search engines in China.
After Google's leaving China(or we say Google was blocked by GFW), Baidu becomes the number one search engine in China, of course, there are also the other local search engines in China, such as 360 search and Sougou search. To most Chinese scholars or technicians, they still use Google via some technological methods, the reason is very simple because that they dislike Baidu.

Where are the Chinese people to visit when they are shopping online?
Amazon and Ebay are the top choices for westerns to shop online, instead of Amazon or eBay, Chinese people will visit Taobao, Tianmao and JingDong to buy the goods or services they want to buy. Taobao is one important company of Alibaba group-another one of China's internet "BAT". The interesting is, nowadays, there are more and more foreigners are buying at Taobao.

The top 2 online/mobile pay methods in China.

Pay online is very popular in China, you can buy almost every goods and services without taking cash-foods, clothes, entertainments and others. Most people in China use their phones to pay their shopping. Alipay and Wechat Pay other than the online pay of bank are the top 2 preferred choices for them to pay online, most Chinese do not use PayPal, they even have not heard about its name.

Where Chinese watch videos online?
Because of GFW, most Chinese people do not use YouTube, they watch video at Tecent TV, YouKu, bilibili, avFun, Tudou and iQiyi on the web or mobile app.

China's internet "BAT".
So, these are the popular local internet tools which most Chinese people are using in China. Among them, Baidu, Alibaba and Tencent are the biggest 3 Internet companies which provide most tools of the alternatives I listed above, Chinese people call them ""BAT"", they almost are in everywhere of the internet in China. Among the "BAT", Baidu is the weakest one, because if Google comes back to China in the future, Baidu will be absolutely defeated by Google.

At last, thanks for your reading about the popular local internet tools most Chinese people are using in China. I hope you will get some helps when you are travelling in China, if you also have something about China's internet tools, welcome to leave a comment, I would like to add them as soon as possible.

I wish you will have a nice travel in China.


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